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Do you like to read The Wall Street Journal, The Daily Telegraph, International Herald Tribune, Le Figaro, El Mundo, Handelsblatt or the NRC?

With PressReader you can read the latest editions of these newspapers for free, at home or in the library. PressReader offers more than 7,000 newspapers and magazines from 100 different countries in 54 languages. All the latest news in its original format and with an archive of up to 90 days.


How does it work?

Install the PressReader app on your tablet or smartphone. Connect to the WiFi network at any of our locations. You can now use PressReader for free for 7 days. If you reconnect to our WiFi network after that time, the app will be active again for another 7 days.

If you don't use a tablet or smartphone, but you do want to download PressReader to use at home, you'll need to create a PressReader account. On the PressReader page, click 'Sign up' in the top right corner and fill in the form.

Need help?

Do you have any questions about how to use PressReader to listen, read, or borrow items? Please contact Customer Support or ask a staff member at any of our libraries.

Weekly consultation hours

Our open consultation hours are every Thursday night from 6pm to 8pm. You'll find us at the information point on the third floor.