- Museum
Thursday December 12th | Johannes Westendorp
Johannes Westendorp (1979) is a musician and author. De Maat van Alle Dingen is his debut, earlier he was published in several literary magazines.
Flanor is an independent literary student association from Groningen with approximately 200 members, from almost all disciplines. Flanor organizes writers' evenings and lectures throughout the year.
These evenings are open to everyone. Flanor also has various reading groups and other fun activities. Please feel free to drop by, everyone is welcome!
A cup of tea, a comfortable chair and a good book. The word 'literary' has many meanings within Flanor. Fantasy books, coming-of-age stories, graphic novels, but also high-quality Dutch writing or obscure literature from distant places, it is all read within Flanor. Don't be put off by numbers of pages or writers with long names. Reading is for everyone!
For those who can't get enough of reading and writing, Flanor invites a speaker every month. So far we have received writers such as Buddy Wakefield, Jeff Vandermeer, Jan Terlouw, Ronald Giphart, Raoul de Jong, Remco Campert, Hanna Bervoets, Jacques Vriens, Connie Palmen, John Flanagan and many others.
Johannes Westendorp (1979) is a musician and author. De Maat van Alle Dingen is his debut, earlier he was published in several literary magazines.
© Jostijn Ligtvoet
8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
€ 12.50
3 West
8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
€ 12.50
3 West
8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
€ 12.50
3 West
Dr. Ester Jiresch is coming to Flanor on the 9th of January, for a lectureon the representation of transpeople in media, especially literature. In the past this was mainly limited to horrific serial killers and monsters or targets of pure mockery, while it has improved it still isn't perfect. Dr. Jiresch researches this and will tell us about it!
On March 11th we have an interactive lecture by the Schrijfatelier, in Dutch. About creative writing and because writing is something you DO, Jeanet wants to let you all experience it! So bring a pen and paper and experience and evening of creative writing.